Thursday 8 May 2014


I like drama films because you can always have a reflection about a topic, but my favorite actor is Johnny Depp. He is a very versatile man. I love how he plays Jack Sparrow in “Pirates of the Caribbean” and Edward in the film “Edward Scissorhands”.

The characters that have inspired me are Chris Gardner and Billy Elliot. Chris Gardner (performed by Will Smith) is the main character of the film “The Pursuit of Happyness” and Billy Elliot (performed by Jamie Bell) is the main character of the film with the same name. Both demonstrate that perseverance is very important to achieve the goals that one sets: Gardner escaping from poverty and Elliot deciding to be a dancer ballet despite that his family initially disagreed.

The last film that I watched was “Into the Wild” that is based on the real story of Christopher Johnson McCandless, a young that decide to donate his savings and to live alone like a nomad. In my opinion, it is a of my favorite films and I totally recommend it because it is interesting to see how a person prefers to abandon his well- off life to try survive without material resources endangering his life. (201 words). 


  1. Johnny Deep is great and the Pursuit of Happyness is beautiful

  2. I love Jonny Depp and “Pirates of the Caribbean” very much i love the pirates! ajajaja
