Friday 30 May 2014


I have that admit that I have not a favorite song. Neither I am attentive of the lyric because I hear the instrumental songs. However, a song that to me identify is “Sensorium” written by the band Epica.

This song reminds me that sometimes I am sad by insignificant things, but also I have seen this same situation in other persons above all in child. By example is usual to see a boy crying because his parents do not buy him the toy that he wanted, when the pain of that boy is incomparable with the problems that would can have other boy of his age. The people says that there that enjoy the infancy because after in adulthood the problems are more complicated. I think that this is true.

Also in the lyric of this song it mentions that each one is own of their destiny. For me is how a reminder of that I have that to be responsible of my actions and I not have that give up to my dreams or goals. (178 words).

1 comment:

  1. I liked this part: "I couldn't stand to
    Waste all my energy on things
    That do not matter anymore"
