Friday, 30 May 2014


I have that admit that I have not a favorite song. Neither I am attentive of the lyric because I hear the instrumental songs. However, a song that to me identify is “Sensorium” written by the band Epica.

This song reminds me that sometimes I am sad by insignificant things, but also I have seen this same situation in other persons above all in child. By example is usual to see a boy crying because his parents do not buy him the toy that he wanted, when the pain of that boy is incomparable with the problems that would can have other boy of his age. The people says that there that enjoy the infancy because after in adulthood the problems are more complicated. I think that this is true.

Also in the lyric of this song it mentions that each one is own of their destiny. For me is how a reminder of that I have that to be responsible of my actions and I not have that give up to my dreams or goals. (178 words).

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

In a museum with my friends

In this photograph I am with my best friends from the university. That day we visited Museo Interactivo Mirador. We decided to go because my friends that are from other regions had never gone. Although we are very old to visit it.
The photograph was taken by my friends Valentina and Daniela, the girls that are on my left and they shot an enormous mirror in front of us.
This photograph was taken recently, about two weeks ago. I like it because I reminds me when I visited this museum with my classmates from primary school, although the resolution is not the best.
That day was very funny for me and my friends, but we couldn't visit the museum entirely because we arrived late.
I wait visit it with my youngest brother and my little cousin because I know that to they would like see all there in this place. (150 words)

Thursday, 8 May 2014


I like drama films because you can always have a reflection about a topic, but my favorite actor is Johnny Depp. He is a very versatile man. I love how he plays Jack Sparrow in “Pirates of the Caribbean” and Edward in the film “Edward Scissorhands”.

The characters that have inspired me are Chris Gardner and Billy Elliot. Chris Gardner (performed by Will Smith) is the main character of the film “The Pursuit of Happyness” and Billy Elliot (performed by Jamie Bell) is the main character of the film with the same name. Both demonstrate that perseverance is very important to achieve the goals that one sets: Gardner escaping from poverty and Elliot deciding to be a dancer ballet despite that his family initially disagreed.

The last film that I watched was “Into the Wild” that is based on the real story of Christopher Johnson McCandless, a young that decide to donate his savings and to live alone like a nomad. In my opinion, it is a of my favorite films and I totally recommend it because it is interesting to see how a person prefers to abandon his well- off life to try survive without material resources endangering his life. (201 words).