Wednesday 25 June 2014

Chilean and Finnish educational system

In my opinion, (and could to say that for most of chileans) the speak about of chilean educational system makes to think in the debts that in a future the student will have.

Regrettably, in Chile, the socio-economic level that the family of the student have, predicts most times quality in education that will receive student considering that particular schools are expensive in comparison to municipal schools which have less resources for teach. Also in Chile superior education is very expensive.
A situation different there is in Finland because all service educational in that country is free, for example the alimentation, the school supplies and even reimburses the cost of locomotion of student if it exceed the five kilometers between the house and school.

Besides of to criticize our system educational, also I criticize to most parents of the Chilean students by think that teachers are the first or even the only ones responsible of the education of their children. The work of the teacher is fundamental and I think that not anybody has the personals characteristics for to be an excellent teacher, but the parents also have that to encourage in home that pupil acquires study habit and good manners.

In Finland, the education of the children is until the 6 years in the house. Their parents receives official support for that they can to educate of their children, to difference of that happens in our country that the parents have that looking for options by his own account if is that they decide not enroll to their children in kindergarten.

I think that the Chilean system educative have many disadvantages and I doubt that someday be equal to Finnish (286 words).


  1. Hi!! I agree with you about Chilean system educative, and makes me happy know that in others countries the education is free :)

  2. I agree with you about Chilean system educative and i think we must stay fighting for the free education

  3. is a hard work, but education can be better :)

  4. Sadly, a little portion of people have a lot of money and quality education, and a big portion have problems. The goverment should do something about that!!!

  5. I think that the parents have a unavoidable rol in the development of their childrens. If the learning isn't reinforced in their houses, it's very hard that they keep the content of the class.
